By John Baxter
February 9th, 2016, 10:22 am
It is time. It is time that someone answers the call to Myanmar (Burma). We do not know how long this window of opportunity will stay open. Someone please respond to the call of God to take the everlasting gospel to these people!
Twice the size of Germany, Myanmar (formerly Burma), is known as the “golden land.” Indeed, the country is rich in traditions and fertile land, rare plants and animals and precious gems. Unfortunately, wars and rebellions have torn this area since the first Burman kingdom was founded in the eleventh century.
Independent of British rule since 1948, Myanmar has recently opened up to the outside world after being closed to foreign residents since 1964. The country had been under a military dictatorship for several decades, but it is now opening into a quasi-democratic political structure. Historically there has been hostility towards Christians, who come predominantly from tribal groups, but that seems to be lessening with the new openness.
Numbering about 30 million, the friendly and hospitable Bamar people are the largest ethnic group in Myanmar. The Bamar trace their roots back to Tibet over 3,000 years ago. Now they typically farm with oxen and buffalo, largely in the central plains of the country. Their one-room wooden houses cluster in forest villages and line roads and rivers. Rice and fish are the main staples of their diet. Almost all Bamar claim Buddhism as their religion, yet animism also pervades their belief system. Shrines to nats (evil spirits) can be seen alongside Buddhist pagodas.
AFM is looking for two families to enter the Bamar people group through healthcare (nurse training would be valuable), English language classes (in great demand even among the rural population), and other educational efforts. Because entire families go out to work the fields, daycare schools for the children could be a means to reach the hearts of parents.
Now is the time. Please contact us so we can send you to the Bamar people while there is still opportunity.