Fulfilling the Great Commission: AFM takes the gospel around the globe

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As we look around our world today, we see economic, political, social, moral and environmental decay. No nation or community is immune. Institutions are failing. National identities are collapsing. Public trust is vanishing. Regional wars are increasing. Mainstream media warns daily of an impending World War III among nuclear protagonists. Yes, we are daily witnessing the fulfillment of the end-time prophecy of Jesus (Matthew 24:6-9) as the world unwinds on a global scale.

No Time for Delay
We are living in momentous times! Even secular families are sensing that something is going profoundly wrong, abandoning the moral decay and degradation found in population centers and moving to the countryside. In this last chapter of earth’s history, when men’s hearts are failing them for fear of what is coming upon our world, it is our privilege to prepare people to meet Jesus Christ when He returns.

Northwest Africa
In Northwest Africa, AFM missionaries are connecting people to Jesus in the midst of Saharan deserts through WhatsApp study groups. Closed study groups for Muslim women are leading them into the Kingdom of God. As violence ravages Mali, we are planting new congregations that are growing steadily with women’s ministry, Pathfinders, seasons of prayer and fasting, preaching and in-home Bible studies. In Benin, where the men of violence are growing in influence, the congregations of the Pendjari and Ottamari projects continue to grow, with our missionaries focusing on leadership development. In Central Africa, because of the work of AFM missionaries in saving the lives of many premature infants, the missionaries now live and move freely with the nomadic tribes, a group previously closed entirely to the Gospel. In Sierra Leone, God miraculously provided 10 acres of land — after we requested six — because God gave a dream to the Paramount Chief, and he recognized from his dream the Spirit of Prophecy materials in our missionary’s hands. On those 10 acres, a ministry facility is being constructed to include meeting rooms and spaces for public evangelism, youth events, men’s and women’s retreats, and worship. A youth Bible club is growing rapidly, and women’s ministry is reaching Animist and Muslim women.

In Europe, social media devotionals are reaching hundreds of thousands of Croatians. Last year, a man turned up at our missionary’s home and asked for baptism after having followed the social media devotionals. A new group is meeting in the previously unreached city of Dubrovnik. Bible study groups meet in Greece, and tens of thousands of Gospel-bearing Bible studies and Spirit of Prophecy materials are distributed from online requests each year. In Kosovo, the missionaries are working to open a daycare facility for working families, around which Bible study groups, wellness programs and community outreach will take place. In Albania, a new urban center of influence has opened, and the missionaries are training the new local disciples in outreach, disciple-making and community service. In the Middle East and Central Asia, missionaries are discipling local believers fresh from the host culture through in-person, online and local groups. Some are eager to leave Islam and want to meet Jesus, often having had a dream or vision of Jesus; others are more resistant. However, when Jesus goes before us, appealing to Muslims in dreams and visions to follow Him, He opens hearts and minds in incredible ways.

Southeast Asia
In Southeast Asia, missionaries teach music and English, leading their students to Christ. Spiritual groups are developing among the unreached of Thailand, and new pioneering work is opening in the south. New congregations are being planted monthly among the Pnong in Cambodia while work among the Cham Muslims grows, one study and one heart at a time.

Among the Tawbuid of the Philippines, over 40 congregations have been planted, and tribal members are carrying the Gospel forward to neighboring people groups. At the same time, a clinic, elementary schools and public preaching have brought the Gospel to the Palawano people. In Papua New Guinea, over 100 baptisms in the past few months present a new challenge — the discipling of new believers. On the Gogodala Project, the focus is on planting a congregation in every single Gogodala community in the next six years, while in northwest Papua New Guinea (PNG), dozens of people groups remain completely unreached, and Ama Project missionaries are training local leaders to conduct the needed outreach. A discipleship manual is being developed in partnership with the South Pacific Division to train new believers in PNG and across the island nations.

Deliverance Ministry
Meanwhile, the Set Free in Christ Institute, based at the AFM office in Michigan, provides training and equipping for pastors, elders and members of deliverance ministry around the world in conjunction with personal consultations for demonized Adventists. Missionaries are being drawn from the USA, Canada, the EU, Latin America, and South and West Africa. From multiple countries, they are united by a common purpose — to win souls for Christ before He returns.

Essential Partnership
Alongside every missionary are those who donate funds, provide letters of encouragement, and engage in regular prayer for the missionaries and the unreached. Their ministry is essential for the advance of the Gospel. Called by our Father, compelled by our Savior’s love, and sustained by the Spirit, AFM missionaries and their supporters will proclaim the Gospel until no unreached people groups are left. Thank you for participating in God’s message of mercy for our dying world!
