By John Baxter
July 7th, 2015, 12:53 pm
Operation Overlord, the D-Day invasion along the coasts of Normandy, was the greatest single battle in human history. More than 5,000 ships carried more than 130,000 troops to a 50-mile stretch of beach in western France. The financial cost of the battle was huge; the human cost was immeasurable. There were more than 10,000 casualties, and by the time it was over, more than 4,400 dead men lay strewn across the sand.
The purpose of Operation Overlord was to establish a literal beachhead. The Nazi enemy had taken control of France, and the Allied forces needed a place from which to begin their counter-assault. From the beachhead, they would be able to continue to bring in fresh troops and supplies and push the enemy deeper into the country. Ultimately, the war was won, but not before many a hard-fought battle. Wars are won one battle at a time.
In many ways, frontier missionaries are like the soldiers who stormed the beaches at Normandy. The places where our missionaries go are held by the enemy, and we go to establish beachheads so the gospel can advance and push back the enemy lines. Consider:
Turkey—Ten years ago, the church was struggling with a lack of members, resources and vision. Although the number of Turkish members is still quite small, AFM’s team has laid out a clear vision, created many resources, and is equipping others to serve. A beachhead is being established, and more “troops” are headed into the battle.
Benin—One family went to begin reaching out to the Dendi Muslim people. Although things went slowly the first few years, there are now three thriving congregations with more than 50 members and two church buildings. The beachhead has been secured, and local workers are going out to contest the surrounding territories.
Southeast Asia—The only way to open up the work in this communist country was to establish an English language program. The school has been running for several years now, the church is beginning to thrive as more members join, and resources are being developed to take the everlasting gospel further behind enemy lines.
What territory is God calling you to capture? There are still millions held captive behind enemy lines, and they do not even know they can be free. God is calling forth soldiers to storm His throne in prayer, and to storm the regions of the unreached to establish beachheads among these dear people.
Ultimately, the war will be won, but not before many a hard-fought battle. Wars are won one battle at a time. Please contact us so that, together, we can create a new beachhead for the cause of our Great Overlord.