By John Baxter
March 8th, 2016, 4:56 am
I concluded the university vespers I was giving with an appeal for young people to make a commitment to serve as missionaries in the coming academic year. Several made the commitment, and others expressed interest in learning more about mission possibilities.
Later, as I stood in the foyer greeting passersby, two young ladies approached my table. “Would you like to be student missionaries next year?” I asked them.
“Well, we are thinking about it,” they replied somewhat hesitantly.
“Great! What are you studying?”
“Art,” they said almost in unison, then they paused. “Can someone who is studying art be a missionary?”
“Sure!” I said. “You could go together to a project to teach English, decorate your classrooms with beautiful art, and point people to Jesus.”
The girls’ eyes widened in excitement, “Really? Wow! But I don’t know if we will be able to come up with the funds we need.”
Just then, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Surprised to be receiving a text at this hour, I stole a glance at the message and was stunned by what I read: “Tell the next person who comes to you that friends just texted you to say they would sponsor that person to go as a student missionary for the next year.”
With a huge grin on my face, I read the text to the young ladies. The one with whom I had been talking the most had tears in her eyes. “Really? I can go? I can go! I can go!” And with that she and her friend both started crying and jumping up and down for joy as they realized that, before they called, God had answered!
Amazing! I was so thankful to have shared this experience with these young student missionaries. But the story doesn’t end there.
The next day, I traveled to the home of my friend who had sent the text. He told me that he and his wife had been watching the vespers program on live stream over the Internet. They saw me preaching and sensed the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
At the end of the vespers, he went into the bedroom and began to pray that God would call many young people into service. As he prayed, he came under the conviction that they should do something to help mobilize these young people to the mission field. As a wise husband, he decided he would first talk with his wife about supporting a student missionary in the coming year. However, as he stood up from his knees, he again felt the Holy Spirit prompting him, “You need to make that commitment now!” So he sent the text that very moment—the very same moment I was speaking with these two young ladies about their sense of calling to go and serve.
Amazing! Absolutely amazing. God is able to speak through His Spirit to young people to go and take the gospel to the unreached, and at the same time—the exact same time—to move on the hearts of others to supply their financial needs and fulfill His calling.
God is still calling young people to share the everlasting gospel with those who have never heard of Jesus. Is He calling you to be a student missionary? Do not fear! He can and will supply all of your needs.
The Holy Spirit is also prompting people to provide monetary support to student missionaries. Thank you for listening to His voice and for your response in giving to help move these young people to the mission frontiers.
Whether you are called to go, to give, or to become a prayer warrior, we encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice. Please let us know if we can help you. Contact us at 800.937.4236 or