The Year of Blessing

Image for The Year of Blessing

Part of our ministry includes my work as the school’s principal. When I started, I asked God to help me lead the school in a way that would allow it to grow in sharing the gospel and discipleship with our children.

Providing our students with a good academic education is important, but even more important are the goals for eternal life. Our children need to hear about Jesus within our school and learn to love Him so much that even if their parents oppose it, they can keep the love of Christ in their hearts and, when they grow up, choose to continue following Jesus.

Having that in mind, we included various activities as part of our calendar each school week to help our children practice what they learn about the Bible and Jesus. 

With our teachers taking leadership to carry the gospel forward, these activities include sending the children to share stories of Jesus with their families, visiting other children in need, leading small Bible study groups within the school, and conducting worship services. We adapt these discipleship activities to each age group since there are no age limits to being a disciple of Jesus.

God has blessed this approach. Thanks to these activities, our children have developed leadership skills. Now, at their young ages, many are able to preach about Jesus to others, lead Bible studies and share Jesus with their families. God has allowed the school to be a place where parents feel secure about their children.

Many parents are Buddhists, animists or Muslims. Although they do not allow their children to be baptized, they do not prevent them from believing in Jesus. They always share that their love for the school and our teaching methods is greater than their fear of their children believing in Jesus. Many of them come to my office to talk about how they see their children praying at home and sharing about Jesus, and even though they, as parents, do not believe, they have decided to let their children continue learning about Him.

The school is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. I thank God that despite the activities and responsibilities an institution carries over time, He has allowed us to keep our focus on spiritual rather than earthly matters. Today, the school is a beacon of Christ in our community. Our popularity is not due to its beauty or size but because the “School of Jesus,” as they call it, teaches with love.

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. Cris and I have begun our furlough, which will extend into the first week of January 2025. We know God has helped us to train incredible teachers and administrators who will continue to bless the children in our absence. Praise God for how He leads on His project.
