The Impossible Mission

Image for The Impossible Mission

Have you noticed that God’s word is filled with commands that seem impossible? How could we ever truly love our enemies (Matt. 5:44)? Is it actually possible to live life in this uncertain world without being anxious about how we are going to survive (Matt. 6:25)? When we look at biblical history, we see that many of the tasks God gave His people to accomplish seemed impossible. How could the city of Jericho be conquered by merely walking around its outer walls while blowing trumpets (Josh. 6)?

I admit that sometimes when I see what God asks of His followers, the standard or the task seems impossible to me. I often balk at God’s commands or make excuses for why I can’t obey what I sense God asking me to do. Can you relate to this? I am thankful that God is patient and merciful and is growing my faith and confidence in Him. Have you also noticed that God’s word is filled with examples of people who courageously obeyed His “impossible” commands and saw miracles take place? Moses saw the Red Sea part, Joshua saw the walls of Jericho come crashing to the ground, and the disciples saw miraculous healings and the gospel triumph in pagan societies. Could it be that God gives “impossible” commands so that His people will realize their own helplessness and their utter need of divine help? An impossible command or vision should drive us to our knees so that we can tap into the divine power necessary for its accomplishment. When we humbly yet courageously step out in faith to obey, miracles happen!

When Ricardo and Alicia Palacios, along with their two young boys Gabriel and Daniel, answered the call to plant a church in the city of Khon Kaen, Thailand, back in 2011, they did not know how they could effectively reach a city of more than 100,000, but they went forward nonetheless. After spending some time in Bangkok going to Thai language school and helping with a children’s violin ensemble at church, Ricardo had the idea of starting a music school in Khon Kaen. A school would not only provide a service to the community but would also facilitate the building of relationships with locals and establish a center of influence. Though he had no experience in starting a school, Ricardo moved forward in faith, and his faith was rewarded. Peace Music Academy was founded in 2013 with a handful of students in a rented two-story house nestled in a cozy village near a lake in the central part of the city. God provided an Adventist Thai couple with years of musicschool experience to run the school. After the first year, God provided more teachers and missionaries, and the school began to grow rapidly. With the help of a strategic partnership with the local Thailand Adventist Mission, Union, Division, and General Conference, funding was provided to ensure that the school would be financially solvent for the first five years.

As the school grew, so did the local church. What started out as a small group of believers in the pastor’s home has now blossomed into a thriving congregation that has outgrown its meeting place in the music school building. Through the years, Peace Music Academy and the Khon Kaen Seventh-day Adventist Church have partnered together to minister to the community in various ways. Music recitals, English-through-music classes, moralitythrough-music classes, health expos, distributing food and clothing to needy people, ministering to orphans, in-home Bible studies, literature evangelism, evangelistic meetings, Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs, youth camps, health seminars, and many other activities have been part of the lifeblood of this project. I have been privileged to be a part of this exciting work and have never ceased to be amazed at how God provides the right people at the right time, the funding that we need to keep everything going, and the courage and strength to keep pressing forward in this “impossible” mission.

We are grateful to all of the amazing people who have prayed for us, supported us financially and encouraged us in our work. Truly, this project would not be where it is today without you! As we look to the future, we see much work yet to do. We are currently in the process of building a new church and school, which we hope to be using by this summer! However, we are still in need of funds to complete the project infrastructure. The current road into the property is only three yards wide, not paved and not very visible. Despite years of negotiations, the neighbors are not willing to allow us to widen the road. So we need to purchase additional property that will provide us driveway access to a well-traveled road.

We plan to use our new facility to provide missionary training for church members, hold seminars, organize youth and Bible camps, and, of course, teach music and hold church services. It is our desire that our work will impact the country of Thailand at large and be a training ground for leaders. We are committed to working in the city of Khon Kaen according to Biblical and Spirit-of-Prophecy principles and grounding people in God’s Word. We have seen God bless as we move forward in humility and courage to accomplish this task that, at times, has seemed impossible.

Will you consider joining us in this journey by giving in faith to help us reach our financial goals? We know that God will bless as you do!
