Seeing God’s Hand

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Have you ever second-guessed your decisions when things were not working out according to how you think they should? Do you think that maybe God was trying to tell you something?

During our last furlough, the funds were coming in more slowly than they had on the previous two furloughs. I found myself, at times, wondering if God was trying to tell us that we should not go back. I felt confident that He still wanted us in Thailand but was feeling semi-stressed about the slow progress toward the goal. Still, I continued to pray and work, doubling down on our fundraising efforts the last month. Finally, we received that coveted email—“Your relaunching goal is complete.” Whew! Cindi and I could breath a sigh of relief and give thanks to the God who always provides. And not a moment too soon. After all, we were standing in line waiting to board our first flight when we got the email. How is that for acting on faith?

The mission field can be challenging and the needs are significant. At times, my humanity floods my mind with questions and doubts, and it can be tempting to capitulate to them. But if I have learned anything over the past decade that I have served with AFM, it is that mission work is truly a walk of faith. There are times when the path looks clear and times when the way to move forward is not readily apparent. But God is in control, and as we continue to move forward in faith, He has a way of working things out according to His perfect will.

Through following His lead, I have seen local leaders grow and take on more responsibilities. I have also witnessed our project grow, and now two new buildings have been built and opened, allowing us to provide our community with a more functional facility for musical and academic education and a wonderful place to worship and enjoy fellowship.

Situations like these provide opportunities to stretch and grow in trusting God. And as we see God’s hand moving, we have another opportunity to stretch and grow in praising Him for His faithfulness, reflecting on how He has led us throughout our missionary journey, and receiving confirmation on how and where He wants to use us in His work in the future. I am thankful that He continues to patiently show me that He is more than able to solve all of our problems, but He needs me to believe and work in faith.
