December 1st, 2024, 10:38 am
We are all familiar with measuring. Some things, like time, speed or temperature, are measured with specific measuring units. Some others, consciousness or love, for example, are impossible to quantify; they can only be observed.
Spiritual growth is one of those; impossible to measure yet observable. A short interaction between Maggie and Marie on the Bible study group chat the other day was one of those observable moments of spiritual growth.
Maggie often shares with us that she sees God as her friend and talks to Him in prayer as she would talk to her best friend. Marie, on the other hand, viewed God as a kind but firm and somewhat distant boss-like figure who rules the world with justice and mercy but doesn’t come down to a person-to-person level.
Lately, Maggie has been unwell and spent quite a bit of time browsing various websites. Now and then, she would share on the group chat things she found interesting, uplifting or thought-provoking. This time, she shared with us a post from a Christian leader that deeply troubled her; she felt it sounded good but could not understand its deeper meaning.
The post went something like this:
“Even if I get really tired of praying, I will still present myself before God. I am certain that God is with me even if I don’t understand Him, don’t feel His presence, the words of prayer slip my mind, or I feel like sitting in the darkness.
I am certain that God hears me, sees me and is with me.
Even during the moments of anger when I don’t want to be in His presence, God seems to be with me. It seems like He loves to be with me.
Sometimes it seems to me that whether I am angry or happy, distressed or relaxed, the most important thing in life is to remain with Him. Thus, I have come to believe that the most important thing to practice in life is to remain in God’s presence, to remain with Him.”
Interestingly, Marie was the first one to answer Maggie.
“Think of how often those who are in love sit quietly and peacefully in each other’s embrace, simply enjoying the presence of the person they love. This is something we experience as we pray. We are in the loving embrace of our God, where words are often unnecessary. It is feelings that talk during those moments; it is being in His presence and experiencing this kind of talk that transforms us.”
Yes, it is only by faith and spiritual growth that we come to see His loving embrace as the most important event in our lives.