Exciting News x 2

Image for Exciting News x 2

We’re home! With great gratitude and joy, we would like to announce that we are fully moved into our new house that you helped make possible. We could not be more thankful or excited to be here. We moved about 20 minutes away from the village where we were previously renting. Now we are on the same property that we bought with our partners, the Lewises, years ago. We anticipate this move enriching our ministry by giving us a comfortable and less-problematic house to settle into for our growing family and by putting us within proximity of the Lewis family. Ministry collaboration will be easier, and we will be better able to support each other.

Wait, growing family? Did you catch that? Yes, our other very exciting announcement is the soon arrival of Tirado boy number two! Our son River is already talking sweetly about ‘baby brother’ and can’t wait to have a new playmate. Please keep our birth plans in your prayers as we prayerfully consider delivering locally in Phnom Penh instead of returning to the U.S.

River is enjoying this new house and land so much—taking morning walks through the rubber trees, slow motorbike rides with daddy on the dirt roads around our property and visiting the neighbors across the street. I am so thankful for the many little daily points of friction that this house alleviates, such as providing a room for River to finally sleep in on his own (and learning to sleep through the night), having more than one sink in the house, having sit-down toilets instead of squatting over a hole, plus a safe yard to let children run in.

Eric has been setting up his new ministry office, making it double as a recording studio. Along with our local friend Katiet, Eric will continue recording audio Bible passages in the native language of the Great River People. We see a huge need for online media geared toward our people group since this does not yet exist. Eric also plans to plant a garden to provide produce for our families and share with those in need.

We have many dreams for using this land, and we ask that you pray for God to lead us on the most fruitful path. We feel so blessed to have this long-term place to settle into and look forward to years of memories and ministry opportunities that will come out of this new spot we call home. Thank you.
