Enough and Loved

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“Most of us place a higher premium on what other people think than we realize. . . . Our self-image soars with a compliment and is devastated by a criticism. True freedom comes when we no longer need to be somebody special in other people’s eyes because we know we are lovable and good enough.”
—Peter Scazzero, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 NLT).

Sombat is five years old and has a speech impediment. Because he struggles to speak clearly, most of his classmates at his preschool and even some of the adults in his life call him stupid or dumb. Being ridiculed and neglected has had a profoundly negative impact on Sombat’s life. However, we have been working with him for a while now, and it is clear that he is intelligent. With some basic, consistent support, we can help him unlock his full potential. Sombat loves to come and learn and play with us because we accept him as he is and celebrate his growth.

It has been six years since we last came to the U.S. on furlough. In that time, we have ministered to thousands of children and adults. Like Sombat, they have all been wounded in their souls, some of whom we have had the privilege of journeying almost daily. For others, it may have been a brief interaction where they were able to catch just a glimpse of Jesus’ love for them. Due to a broad range of societal factors, most children and adults with whom we work have experienced significant trauma that hinders their emotional development. Because they do not have a strong sense of self-worth, they are deeply impacted by the opinions of their family and friends. Like a ship hoisting full sails, yet without a rudder, every gust of wind blows them in a chaotic course with no discernible destination. Yet, we believe that as we work to establish emotionally healthy spiritual family groups here in northeast Thailand, these children and adults will find a place of healing and hope.

Please consider joining our team through a pledge or donation so we can continue helping the Isan Thai people experience the true freedom of knowing that no matter what anyone else thinks of them, in Jesus, they are enough, and they are loved.


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