January 1st, 2022, 12:27 pm
In Ecclesiastes 3:1-9, the Bible informs us that “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven”—a time to be born and a time to die, plant and harvest, keep and throw away, tear and mend, be silent and speak, and so forth. But it then poses the question: “What does the worker gain from his toil?”
The experience of death is very difficult for living beings to understand. All living beings are afraid of death and seek solutions to escape it.
Why are humans afraid of death? I think we are afraid because it is a journey of no return and its destination for some is unknown. Many cultures have tried to explain the meaning of death through their traditions, customs and rituals. But who can explain what happens after death? Outside of God, a true explanation is impossible to find. American author and screenwriter Richard Russo once said: “Lives are like rivers. Eventually, they go where they must go, not where we want them to go.”
For the people of Kangaba, discussion of life and death once again became the subject of conversation following a recent mayoral election.
In Kangaba, the honorable Mamoutou Keita was a very popular mayor. To some, he was a brave man who sought to satisfy all those who came to him for help. He did all that was in his power to solve their problems. Others thought that he was arrogant, saying what he believed whether people liked it or not, and accused him of selling lands that were not his.
During the 2020 legislative elections in Mali, our honorable Mamoutou Keita was a candidate for his hometown. In the first round of the election, he had less than 50 percent of the vote. In the second round, he was defeated. To many, including Mayor Keita, it was a big shock that he lost the election. As soon as the news of his defeat was announced, he had a heart attack. From then on, his health continued to decline. Not too long afterward, Mayor Keita died of another heart attack. The life of this great man came to an end to the surprise of many people in Kangaba. Whether they were for him or against him, the people of Kangaba were very touched by his sudden death and many reflected on the fragility of life.
The Malinke team visited the family, presenting our heartfelt condolences and offering our support during their time of grief and need. Please pray for the family, as this man was the breadwinner.