A Hospitality Blessing

Image for A Hospitality Blessing

Twenty years ago, this month, Shannon and I were just ‘kids’ out of college, with hearts full of love for God, a belief that there was a big world to reach for Him, and a faith that He desired and was able to do something great through little people like us in some small corner of His harvest field. Thankfully, AFM and many of you shared that faith in God and us, and so you gave us a chance and joined our support team for this amazing 20-year journey (though none of us ever dreamed that the road would be this long).

Two decades and two church plants later, all we can say is praise God for what He has done and is still planning to do. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts—all you who have prayed, generously given, or even joined us overseas for a time. And every time we have returned on furlough, tired and needing rest, many of you have gone the extra mile by opening your hearts and homes to take our children and us in for a time. Wow! You have so encouraged and loved on us that we return to the mission field each time with full hearts and renewed zeal to press on in God’s mission! You have been such amazing friends to us and even more than friends. Through you, we have seen Jesus’ promise in Mark 10:29, 30 fulfilled. You are indeed our family.

During this last furlough, I contracted COVID-19 and spent 10 days in quarantine, trying to keep a healthy distance from my wife, children and church family. Not fun! A bit lonely, I found myself thinking of those times that we spent with family and friends, in your homes, eating and enjoying such warm fellowship. Then I discovered the poem “Hospitality Thanks,” written by my adopted grandma, Mrs. Ruby Sorensen, who also served as a missionary. In it, she thanked her dear friends who hosted her and her family during their furlough times. As I read it, I thought of many of you and was inspired to write the following adapted song of thanks and blessing for all of you—our dear friends and family who have taken us and other missionaries into your homes as we have traveled from place to place. Through friends like you, we have been truly blessed beyond measure!

The days we have stayed in your home were pleasant and peaceful indeed.
With rooms and a bed, you’ve welcomed and fed us, offering more than we need!
You are a living blessing, a friend who is gracious and true.
We’re blessed beyond measure, for we’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with you.

And thank you for your thoughtfulness, too, the gifts of your heart and your time!
Creating the spaces where friends and new faces connect and reflect on old times.
You are a living blessing, a friend who is gracious and true.
We’re blessed beyond measure, for we’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with you.

So may God our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ
Grant you grace and peace in His Spirit and direct every path of your life.
For every cup of kindness offered to another in His name,
He receives, and He remembers and has said He will surely repay.

You are a living blessing, a friend who is gracious and true.
We’re blessed beyond measure, for we’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with you!
We’re blessed beyond measure, for we’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with you!

Download the Sheet Music here: {file-1}
Download the Song here: {file-2}
