Native Americans

  • Pre-Entry
  • Pre-Evangelism
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Phase-Out
  • Completed

About this Project

This tribe’s reservation is a land of magnificent forests, swift-flowing rivers, gleaming lakes and 23 miles (37 kilometers) of unspoiled Pacific coastline. Its boundaries enclose over 208,150 acres (84,271 hectares) of some of the most productive conifer forest lands in the United States. Located on the southwestern corner of the Olympic Peninsula, its rain-drenched lands embrace a wealth of natural resources. Conifer forests of western red cedar, western hemlock, Sitka spruce, Douglas fir, Pacific silver fir and lodgepole pine dominate upland sites. In contrast, extensive stands of hardwoods, such as red alder and Pacific cottonwood, can be found in the river valleys. Roosevelt elk, black bear, blacktail deer, bald eagle, cougar and many other animals make these forests their home.

Historically, this tribe lived in family groups in riverside longhouses, sustained by the land and trade with neighboring tribes. Superb salmon runs, abundant sea mammals, wildlife and forests supplied them. They maintained a great store of knowledge about plants and their uses.

Today, these people remember their past while employing modern principles. They encourage individuals to develop businesses, and they maintain many of their enterprises.

Frontier Stories

It Could Have Been Us

Can you mold impressionable hearts and minds with your love and example? Teachers are on the front lines of change! Are you patient, good with children, and willing to make a commitment to become a change agent?

By: David White
March 01 2023, 9:39 am | Comments 0

Whose Civilization?

Community is important. God made us relational; we need each other.

By: David White
December 01 2022, 4:43 pm | Comments 0

Life-Limiting Circumstances?

Circumstances on the reservation are pretty glum, and hopelessness is endemic. But I know there is hope.

By: David White
November 01 2022, 5:22 pm | Comments 0

White Horse Woman and White Rabbit

As White Horse Woman turned to leave, she said, “Be safe little white rabbit. I will never forget you.”

By: David White
June 01 2022, 10:28 am | Comments 0

Average Folk

“The greatest want in the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall” (Education 57.3).

By: David White
April 01 2022, 3:18 pm | Comments 0

Red Nation

We pray every day for those around us to have dreams and visions, to have premonitions of the glory of the soon-coming Jesus. Want to see miracles? Want to be on the frontlines of mission? Join us.

By: David White
February 01 2022, 8:49 am | Comments 0

In It Together

There is something about crises, something about teamwork, something about sacrifice that makes you proud in a godly type of way—proud of the community of believers that we have the privilege to work alongside. And the best part? There is always room for one more. Is it you?

By: Cindy White
January 01 2022, 2:12 pm | Comments 0

Spent for Christ’s Sake

AFM exists to plant churches where the church is not — what Christianity looks like when taken literally.

By: David White
December 01 2021, 11:03 am | Comments 0

The War Cry

Is it really fanatical to want to share the Gospel? Is it fanatical to commit to years away from home to answer the call of Jesus and join the battle for souls?

By: David White
November 01 2021, 3:59 pm | Comments 0

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