Where the Money Goes

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It is important to us that you know how Adventist Frontier Missions uses your donations.

To better understand, let’s take a look at the following charts. The first shows a breakdown of total income. Seventy-six percent of donations are given to support specific projects. An additional 23 percent comes from donors who want to strengthen and support AFM’s overall growth and development. The final one percent is donations to support missionary education costs.

The missionary project allocation chart shows how project donations are allocated. Seventy-nine percent goes directly to the project’s field expenses. Ten and a half percent is allocated for missionary communication costs, which include the cost of the printing and mailing Adventist Frontiers and printing and mailing updates and letters that help keep you connected with what’s happening at the project. The remaining 10 and a half percent is for project management expenses. (Please visit www.afmonline.org/give/fundraising-explained for a more detailed explanation and a complete sample budget of launching and monthly costs.)

The last chart breaks down AFM’s total expenses. Seventy-six percent is used for the field expenses of our church-planting projects. Three percent goes for missionary training. Another 15 percent pays for administrative support that helps keep our projects strong and growing—in other words, the vital role played by our AFM home team. We handle the necessary international banking, accounting, and distribution of funds to each mission project. We arrange missionary travel, documentation, furlough housing, and speaking appointments. We also raise international awareness of the plight of the unreached through production of this magazine, our website, and media releases. Each of these communication tools serve to rally and maintain worldwide prayer and financial support for our projects. Our home team also enables recruitment, application processing, interviewing, and testing of new missionary candidates. These are just a few of the services the AFM office performs for our missionaries, freeing them to concentrate on their church-planting task.

AFM values each gift as a trust from God’s hand. Accountability and integrity are important in missionary teamwork, and our supporters are integral members of our team. With thankfulness, we exist to serve as we labor together to reach the unreached in this generation.

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