When God Writes a Story

When God writes a story, He does it in ways that the people involved in the story come to realize, in looking back, that it was something that only He could have done.

That is becoming clearer every day as the Lord has opened the way for ministry to the Ama tribe in Papua New Guinea. While I deeply appreciate all the prayer and financial support (and still need more), I had been praying about whether God would have me go to the mission field as a single or married man. I was praying for God to choose what was ideal. And God has made His will very clear.

When I met Joella Meyer, I did not know her back story. But God did. Joella and her siblings, Mark and Joanna, served with her parents, Joel and Joyce Meyer, with AFM in Nepal. They are very mission-minded. When I started to get to know Joella, the similarity of our convictions and commitment to mission in our characters was astounding, and as we moved into a courtship, God kept making His will even clearer.

Joella’s good friend, Corrie Sample, serves as a missionary with her family about 10 miles north of the Ama village in Tipas and has shared the needs of the Ama tribe with Joella. Recently, God brought back to Joella’s mind how He had impressed her around the beginning of 2023 regarding the Ama, saying, “You could go.”  This impression was before I ever sensed the Lord leading me to the Ama or had even met Joella.

As God led, I elatedly proposed to Joella, and she said yes! We are now happily married as of this summer and looking forward to sharing this ministry to the Ama. God’s story continues.

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