What Do You Want To Do with Your Life?

Many times this week, people have asked me the same question: “What do you want to do with your life?” My answer has been the same each time: “I am and always will be a missionary.”

But for some people, my decision is hard to understand. Why do I want to spend my entire life away from family and friends, away from my homeland in a country full of trials and hardships? The answer is simple. I’ve been called.
And what a glorious calling! I feel privileged that God would ask service of one such as me. I can’t imagine a greater calling than this.
What greater destiny, what higher mark could we reach for than to be co-laborers with God Himself in the work of saving souls for His kingdom? God is giving us an incredible gift in allowing us to be a part in His work.

Any other dreams or hopes I previously had pale in comparison with the commission God has given to me—to us.

So, if you find yourself wondering if you can manage to make the sacrifice, to give up your plans in order to serve God and follow His calling, think of this: God is not asking a favor of us in inviting us to join Him in the work of human redemption. He is giving us an almost inconceivable privilege, allowing us mere humans to help Him! He could easily use angels to finish this work, but instead He has chosen to allow us the ability to witness the miracle of His power entering people’s lives.

Let us realize the opportunity we have before us and seize it. Let’s thank God for the gift He has given us, and then act upon it.

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