
Screaming. “Are you going to tell the truth now?” More screaming. “Quick, give me a stick. You are going to tell us the truth now!” I walked faster toward the sounds of violence coming from the kitchen area of the orphanage. What was going on? Was the cook mad at a kid? Was an older kid beating up a smaller one?

Worse. Three well-dressed men were surrounding a girl about 10 years old, holding and beating her. I stepped in and pulled the girl toward me. “What is going on here?” I shouted. “This is an orphanage where children are brought for protection against violence and mistreatment!”

The men laughed nervously. “Yes, we know. We are the police. And we are not mistreating her. We have been searching for her parents for three days, and she keeps lying to us about their whereabouts. We have been wasting gas running around to find them.”

I see, I thought. Your gas is more important than this girl’s pain. Do you know her story? Maybe she has good reason to not tell you where her parents are. Maybe she is scared to see them again! Anger, frustration and helplessness welled up inside me as they talked, trying to justify their abuse.

Violence is a constant part of this society. Pray that we can counteract it with Jesus’ love and care. —

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