Unexpected Blessings

Story #1: Recently, our family was enjoying the rare treat of a meal out at a restaurant. As usual, Boaz started talking with the waitress and guided the conversation to spiritual things. We didn’t think anyone else noticed, but before too long a fellow diner walked over to our table and handed us $100. “Good things come to good people,” was all he said. We were shocked, of course, and Boaz ran out to try to thank the man, but he couldn’t find him anywhere. We felt overwhelmed at his kindness. We caught his spirit of generosity and ended up sharing our blessings with our waitress.

Story #2: Boaz and I have been sharing our one computer. We were finding it harder to get all our computer work done, so we decided it was time to buy a second one. However, after praying about it, we decided instead to give the money to a dear friend who is in full-time ministry instead. She happened to come and stay at our home that same week and before I could give her the gift, surprise! She gave me her refurbished high-end laptop!

Story #3: We bought a felt set for our upcoming Cambodia trip and later noticed that the website gives a 50-percent discount for missionaries. We contacted them and asked if it would be possible to get a refund for the discount amount. When the refund finally came, it was for 100 percent!

We are so thankful for these reminders that God cares for our needs. Blessings come with a responsibility to share what we have with others. We are getting excited as time draws nearer when we can share our blessings, both materially and spiritually, with the Great River People of Cambodia!

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