To Be Like Elijah

Have you ever imagined being an AFM missionary? Have you thought about how you would feel if you were a missionary-in-training preparing to go to an unreached people group? Would you feel scared, excited or both? Would you be anxious to get going? How would you feel about raising a support team? Would you feel like you were giving others an opportunity to share in reaching the unreached, or would you feel like you were begging?

We have experienced all these feelings over the last year. A few weeks ago, a friend was studying the story of Elijah and called to share part of her worship blessing with me.

God told Elijah to go to the widow of Zarephath and ask for bread. As Elijah approached the city of Zarephath, he saw the widow gathering sticks and asked her for some bread. She replied that she had only enough flour and oil to make a last meal for her and her son. My friend mentioned that Elijah could have felt like he was begging at this point, but being commanded of God, he persisted, knowing God had a great blessing in store for her. In a wonderful demonstration of faith, the widow put the needs of God’s prophet before her own. Through the rest of the famine, she, her son and Elijah never lacked food or water. As an additional blessing, her son was brought back to life after he became sick and died. When the widow gave Elijah food, she was not just giving to him, she was giving to God. Her gift of love and faith was greatly rewarded.

Like Elijah, we have confidence in God’s command to us to work among the Great River People. We know God will provide for this project. He has a support team already picked and wants to pour His blessings out on them. Is He asking you to be part of the team? We thank each of you who are supporting this project, both with your prayers and your resources. Just as God gave a special blessing to the widow of Zarephath, He will bless each of you. Thank you so much for your gifts to our Lord.

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