The Pilot

This last Sabbath, our family was spending some time at our favorite river enjoying God’s beautiful creation. Our daughter soon made friends with another little girl, as children so easily do. After a bit, my husband noticed a man about our age sitting by himself and decided to make friends with him. He found out the man is a pilot at the local Air Force base, and that they had several things in common. It turned out that he was the little girl’s father.
Eventually the conversation moved to spiritual things, and I couldn’t help but marvel at the sincerity and eagerness of this young man! He was so hungry for spiritual truth. He agreed with many of our answers to his spiritual questions and kept asking more and more until it seemed we had covered every Bible topic he could think of. It is rare to meet someone who is so open to truth. You could just see his face light up as he found answers to questions he had wondered about his whole life. We look forward to seeing how God develops this relationship.
We know God has divine appointments waiting for us in Cambodia as well. We are praying that He will create a hunger and thirst in the hearts of the Great River People for something more than just ceremonies and merit making. We are praying that they, too, will receive the Gospel as readily as our friend did.
We long to be in Cambodia as soon as possible. Maybe you sense God calling you to partner with us by making a faith-based monthly pledge? It’s an investment you’ll be eternally thankful for.

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