The Move

As I write this, I am sitting in an empty dining room. Yesterday, someone came and got our couches. Someone else is coming today to get our bed. I am in the midst of sorting through and getting rid of 12+ years of accumulated stuff. On one hand it feels amazing to be downsizing and getting down to the bare necessities. On the other it hurts to let go of things that have been a comfort to us for many years. By the time you read this, we will be in the midst of AFM’s summer mission training course in Berrien Springs, MI with hopes to launch to Cambodia shortly afterwards.

Two nights in a row, I dreamed that we were in Cambodia. Cambodia has been on my mind a lot lately. It is starting to sink in that we will be leaving soon. The reality that we are about to leave all our family and friends is also hitting home.

Downsizing and moving to another country reminds me of another famous move in history. Jesus left His family, status and possessions in Heaven to move to this planet to show us God’s love. God could have told us about His love by writing it across the sky, but instead He chose the path of sacrifice. Jesus became a child and learned our culture. In many ways we will be like little children learning the culture and language of the Great River people.

Indeed, the plan of salvation was a sacrifice for Christ and the Father. It is not easy for us or our families either, but, by the Lord’s grace, we pray that our sacrifice will result in many Great River people finding the joy of Christ! Christ gave so much for us. How can we do any less?

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