The Funeral of Pa Mori Diallo

Image for The Funeral of Pa Mori Diallo

When the news of Pa Mori Diallo’s passing reached us, the Diallo family was already inundated with condolences from the community. Pa Mori was around 80 years old when he passed and was a pillar of our Bible study sessions. His commitment was unwavering, as he engaged in countless Bible studies with all of Malinke’s project missionaries, from the first missionary (Philip Polley) in 2006 to the current missionaries, the Toorays, in 2020. Despite his deep understanding of the Bible in his local language, Pa Mori had yet to decide to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
At the funeral, the church stood as a beacon of support for the Diallo family. We extended our assistance in organizing the funeral, providing vehicles and other logistical support until the conclusion of the ceremony. Our presence, I believe, was a testament to the strength of our community. We assured the bereaved family that our doors were always open to them, ready to offer solace and support whenever needed.

Donzos (a fraternity of traditional, local hunters) from all the Malinke regions in West Africa came to pay their last tribute to Pa Mori. As their commander-in-chief, Pa Mori was considered a man with extraordinary powers, capable of changing his physical form. The Donzos made a reverential posture to their great one, asking him to guide and protect them. Gunshots were heard in every corner of the town to honor this ceremony.

Pa Mori was neither a Muslim nor a Christian; he believed in traditional folk religion. His gravesite may become a shrine for the Donzos as the orator addressed him during his burial as though he was still among the living. The orator then pleaded and made supplications on behalf of his team of Donzos, which had been left behind.

In one of our studies with Pa Mori, he told us about a dream. In his dream, his dead father gave him something and told him (Pa Mori) to offer a sheep sacrifice. We told him that the person in his dream was not his dead father but a familiar spirit. He refused to accept this even when we shared Ecclesiastes 9:5 with him.

Pa Mori’s son Moussa pleaded for the church to bless his father’s body. We told Moussa that the dead know nothing and that giving the blessing would be counter to the truth and compromise the position of the church. Moussa was disappointed, but the church prayed for his family.

Please pray that Satan loses his grip over the Malinke people group. Please also pray that they will give their lives to Christ and accept the truth — that they may see all faithful loved ones again at the resurrection and that in the new Jerusalem, God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death.

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