The Funeral

Funerals are always such a hard time. Recently, I got a call around 5:30 in the morning telling me that the son of one of the elders in Boan village had passed away during the night. The boy had been in a motorcycle accident the week before, and I had helped him at the local hospital. The internal injuries he had suffered were more than the medical staff could handle. He was transferred to Phnom Penh, but it was too late. The family had him transported back to the village on life support so he could die at home.

Shortly after I received the call, I called the chief’s wife, the older sister of the deceased, and she asked if I would come to the village and help haul the casket to the grave site. That morning I watched the ceremonies this elderly couple performed in order to prevent their son’s spirit from coming back to haunt them.

I pray that someday these dear people will come to a full realization that they don’t have to be afraid of the spirits, that Chief God is stronger than Satan and all his angels. Please pray with me that the Holy Spirit will stir up the hearts of our Pnong brethren and that they will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

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