The Bridge

I came upon a bridge spanning a great chasm. As I was about to cross, I saw no guardrails to protect me from falling far below, and I could not see the end of the bridge. Where was it leading? Somehow I knew I must cross. Sensing it would be unsafe to walk over that bridge, I knew of only one position that felt secure—dropping to my knees and crawling across.

A dream.

It came to me in the early morning hours on the Friday we were to present our strategic ministry plan to reach the Ama. We were to graduate from the AFM Career Missionary Training that Sabbath. Why would I have that dream at that time? As I related the dream to Joella, she was markedly encouraged. Though only God knows the exact way to reach the Ama, by prayerfully depending upon Him, we can trust that His mission through us will be successful. The gospel bridges the gap sin has made between us, God and others.

The bridge to reach the Ama is directly connected to earnest, intercessory prayers on their behalf. Prayers that they experience the gospel in ways that make sense in their own culture. Prayers that they receive their own dreams from God to lead them to Christ. Prayers that God gives us wisdom in learning their language and culture so that, through His word, we can find the bridge principles that reach their hearts with the love of Christ.

At the end of the dream, I distinctly remember that I was among people. But I did not know who they were. We have yet to meet the Ama. We look forward to the Ama being reached at the end of this bridge into missions. Will you help us cross that bridge through your ongoing earnest prayers? Thank you for your partnership!

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