Ten Minutes

The work of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the earth is every believer’s privilege. Jesus commissioned every one of His followers to have a part in blessing others with the Good News. Some are called to be senders, who give of the means entrusted to them. It’s a mistake to think that this work is reserved only for the wealthy. Some feel discouraged, thinking their greatest effort would only be a drop in the bucket. But with persistence and God’s multiplying, these drops soon fill the bucket to overflowing.

Small things done consistently add up to big results. Can you spare a “drop” each day for Him who showers you continually with blessings? We know of a man who donates the first 10 minutes of his workday to reaching the lost. Beyond his regular tithe, he has pledged the money he earns from those 10 minutes to send and keep a missionary in an unreached field. During that time, he intently focuses on giving his best effort, as unto the Lord. He finds that it improves his work and attitude for the rest of the day. He also spends a minimum of 10 minutes a day in prayer for missionaries and the people they encounter. These consistent drops multiply to overflowing blessings to many, and he knows that he gains more than he gives. Though he has a moderate income, what a rich man he is!

Through the efforts of our new Albanian members and by God’s grace, there are now at least three more precious souls who are committed to being baptized when we return to Albania! We believe God will get us back there and sustain the work through people willing pledge at least 10 minutes of salary per day toward monthly support of the Shqiptaret Project and 10 minutes of daily prayer for the people there.

—Brenda Mays


The last paragraph above is very good! I am praying for your monthly pledge goal. I will share an email this coming week to try to help you get the last bit if you need me to. Let me know if you still need $337 per month in order to get to the finish!

Blessings to you – I pray for you often. We love what you do over there! Congratulations on your beautiful granddaughter!

By Rodney & Patti Heinrich on September 28 2013, 8:06 am

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