Teaching Generations

Image for Teaching Generations

“Dad, what is that?” Chumpri’s youngest son, Nar, asked.

“A spirit pole,” Chumpri smiled at his six-year old son’s question.

“What is it for?” the boy asked.

“To ask the spirits to help the rice,” Chumpri responded.

“Do we need to make a spirit pole for Chief God?” Nar was very inquisitive.

“No, we asked Chief God to bless our field, and we don’t need to make Him a spirit pole.”

Seemingly satisfied with his father’s answers, Nar went back to playing.

As Chumpri and Kaak are trusting God more and more, they are teaching a new generation to do the same.

Another day, Truicha, Kaak’s older son, was talking with his mother about school. “Mother, how long will I have to go to school?”

“For a long time,” Kaak said. “I want you to grow up and be very intelligent so you can be a worker for God when you are big.”

As I watch their three children reverently bow their heads as Kaak prays, I thank God for giving us Chumpri and Kaak to teach and for helping them teach their children to walk in His ways.

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