
The father of lies has certainly left his mark all over Albania. This country has clearly been his stronghold for many years. The devastating effects are evident in just about every segment of society; from high government officials and powerful organized crime bosses to local schoolteachers, police officers and fruit vendors. Corruption, lying, bribery, theft, deception and slander affect life here to an alarming degree. A recent new report said that Transparency International has named Albania this year’s most corrupt nation on earth. Sadly, this is a nation of people who were once known never to break their word of honor.

It’s heartbreaking to think of the atrocities Satan has used to change these noble people into a race known for corruption and deceit. He used many tools to accomplish his goals, but the one that stands out is Enver Hoxha, a dictator who managed to thoroughly deceive and enslave his own people for nearly half a century. His mind-control methods and their results would make your hair curl.
Before he died, Hoxha cited the eradication of religion in Albania as his greatest accomplishment. The result? It is extremely difficult for Albanians even to conceive the idea of survival without dishonest practices. They have been lied to so often and for so long that they are unwilling or unable to trust anyone. This was the goal of the enemy of souls.

Obviously, this deep mistrust creates a problem for gospel work here. However, God’s truth is more powerful than Satan’s lies. Please join us in praying that the stronghold of dishonesty will crumble and fall and the people of Albania will learn to trust again.

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