Share the Gift

“We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first.”
– Oswald J. Smith

This past December, I looked around: everything I saw was ready for Christmas—the decorations and lights overtook the typical scenes.

I have always loved Christmas and the joy it brings, the warmth I feel even on the coldest winter days. The gifts are the best part—not receiving them but preparing them for all those that I love. Just the thought of wrapping a thoughtful gift and attaching a bow brings a smile to my face. Then there is the caroling. Happy faces can be seen all around when someone is singing about the birth of our Savior.

My heart fluttered with joy when I spotted a sign saying, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” For myself and millions of other Christians around the world, this is true.
But some 3.2 billion people have yet to hear of the birth of Jesus, His life of sacrifice and His eternal love. Ponder that reality.

I am shaken to my core when I contemplate this sad truth. While part of the world is busy wrapping gifts for their loved ones, watching the twinkling lights, the other part remains in darkness.

In 2023, when you look around, think about those who have yet to hear of His love for them—the greatest gift to humanity. Be intentional this year. Share what you know with others. 2023 can be the year the world will know His love. Then next Christmas, when you admire the lights and feel the joy of giving and the excitement of singing about His birth, many others will join you in rejoicing over their Savior’s gift of Himself.

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).

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