Sabbath Fellowship

Sabbath keeping has been an issue for most of our church members here in Fria. After church service, some members go home and just sleep off the Sabbath or spend it discussing secular things or watching soap operas on TV.

During one of our weekly programs, a young member proposed that we should stay together and fellowship every Sabbath from the morning to sundown. I encouraged the idea and asked the group to go home and think and pray about it. The next Sabbath, we brought up the idea for discussion and suggestions. We made it clear it wouldn’t be forced on anybody. Everyone agreed that those who wanted to stay after church should bring food and water.

To my surprise, two families had already brought their food and water that Sabbath, ready to stay. The young member who had proposed the idea, along with Brother George and I, stayed to support them. We spent the remainder of that Sabbath praying for this newly initiated program and for the nation of Guinea. We sang, learned new songs and played Bible games. It was a blessing. The following Sabbath, more people joined us.

Please pray that this program will be a blessing for our little group. Thank you for your spiritual and financial support. May the Lord God continue to bless us all as we obey Him and make disciples of all nations.

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