“Rightly Trained”

Training matters. How you are trained and how well you remember, process and apply what you learn all make a difference. God’s word echoes this sentiment: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”
(2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).

We are so thankful to be in AFM’s 2024 career missionary training for all of the above reasons. God blessed us with the needed partnerships to make it to training, and we are so thankful for how God continues to provide partners who generously pray and give to make it possible for us to prepare to reach the Ama.

But there is still a lot to learn in preparation for the launch! While AFM has a very insightful reading list, many things will not take deeper root in our character preparation until we are immersed in an environment with fellow missionaries-in-training and those with a front-line cross-cultural mission experience and perspective.

Joella’s past cross-cultural experience in South Asia and years among the Navajo people, coupled with the time she ministered to refugees in Texas, is already adding to a more well-rounded Brizendine family foundation for training and preparation. What can I say? I married well! (We both did!)

We are having the time of our lives traveling extensively to share about the mission to the Ama, seeking to embrace a whole new path of life in a very remote place. But that adds to the adventure, right? Training is part of the joy of serving God with an open heart and looking forward to new lessons and new relationships. We treasure your partnership in God’s adventure for us. You’re a part of the story.

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