Planting Roots

Our family pulled up our roots when we sold our home over a year ago. Since then, we’ve lived in 20 states in a variety of shelters including a camper, relatives’ homes, a one-room cabin, hotels, friends’ homes, an apartment, a mountain cabin, a tent, an old log cabin, our car, and a duplex.

We can identify with words of the hymn, “I’m a pilgrim and I’m a stranger. I can tarry but a night.” I know this world is not our true home. Yet God has called our family to transplant to a foreign land for a time in order to grow His kingdom.

As a mother, I long to put down roots for the sake of my children. You can imagine the unsettledness of a child not having a place to call home. We all look forward to planting our roots deeply in Albanian soil and, by the grace of God, blooming and producing fruit to His glory.
You can help transplant us to a barren part of God’s garden where He has planned a bountiful harvest. You can be God’s gardeners by helping transplant us to new soil and nourishing His work with monthly support. Perhaps you can give a dollar a day. Some can give more, some less. Whatever amount God puts on your heart, know that He will provide it.

The best time to transplant fruit trees is in the fall. Our goal is to plant our roots in Albania by this fall before winter sets in. Will you help?

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