Our Bible Study

“Sawasdee Kha! Come in and sit down. Here, would you like some water? How are you doing?”

Several people come to visit us every Wednesday morning, and we welcome them into our home for fellowship and Bible study. After some time spent just talking together, we fill our house with singing as our group praises God through music. 

The noise of children playing quietly (or not so quietly) doesn’t interrupt the group as they sing and then segue into the Bible study, which Chris Sorensen leads with Pastor Timothy and Dtaeng. The church members add their thoughts while the Buddhist aunts who have been attending listen and ask occasional questions. 

This is a time for learning more about Jesus and experiencing a deeper, closer walk with Him. During these times, I pray that Pa La and Pa Samlii will understand and gain a greater appreciation for what Jesus did for them. So far, neither has made a firm commitment to Jesus, so I continue to pray that any confusion they might have will be resolved and that the light of Jesus will shine into their hearts.

After the Bible study, we have a light lunch together. Some of the guests bring fruit to share, and we provide things like sandwiches and popcorn. 

This Bible study recently moved to our house from the Sorensens’ home. We pray that these Bible studies will continue to be a blessing and that God will use them to bring people to Him. 

Please keep Pa La and Pa Samlii in your prayers. Thank you so much for your support, both financially and spiritually! Your prayers truly make a difference. —Kelli Doss

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