
“Congratulations! You guys have 101 percent!” an AFM email read.

I gathered our family together. “Thank you, Lord, for providing our funds. You who called us have been faithful, and we give You the glory,” I prayed as our hearts swelled with thanksgiving.

As I look back on the road we have traveled, sharing about God’s heart for the Great River people of Cambodia, it is such a blessing to recount how God provided what we needed when we needed it. Many times when we were close to a deadline we would start thinking of whom we could call, only to find out that God had impressed an unexpected person to pledge to our project. God honored and blessed our efforts to give invitations, but He would also prompt these unexpected pledges to remind us that this is His project.

It has also been incredibly enriching to get to know brothers and sisters like you in new churches throughout our support-team-building process. As I have spent time with you, I have been honored to learn from the deep experiences God has given you. My heart has ached with yours for loved ones struggling to find their way. Some of you are facing life-changing illnesses, yet you hang on to the beautiful hope of a better world to come in Jesus. I just want to thank each and every one of you for your sacrifice for God’s project among the Great River People. Some are praying, some are giving financially, and some are doing both. Just know that, because of you, God has more hands and feet to reach the unreached.

Our next step is to acquire visas and then fly to Cambodia to begin learning the language. Please pray that the visa process will proceed according to God’s timeline!

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