Let Your Light Shine

Warm smiles can go a long way in winning hearts. And winning hearts can go a long way toward leading people to Christ. Have you ever met someone whose grin just made your day? Do you know somebody whose contagious smile reflects the joy of the Lord? I know someone like that, someone who spreads sunshine everywhere she goes.

Our former student missionary, Natasha Towns, is generously blessed with many gifts and has used these gifts to bless others by drawing them to Christ. She is a gifted musician and a great listener, a compassionate healer and a brave and loyal friend. But one of the most memorable of her gifts is her smile ministry. Her genuine care brightened the lives of countless Albanians, and some still speak warmly about her being their adopted daughter or sister. Although she left Albania two years ago, she continues to influence and encourage our members by staying in contact via the Internet.

Sometimes it is easy to believe the lie that we have no gifts to use in God’s service, but how could that be true with such a generous heavenly Father? We often underestimate the power of the simple things to change the world. Are you tempted to think you need to preach like Peter or pray like Paul in order to influence a life? You have what it takes to share God’s love with someone. It can begin in a small way and grow each day. With something as simple as a smile, you can help someone feel valued. Once people know you care and begin to trust you, they will be willing and even eager to listen to you as you tell them the reason for your joy.

You don’t need a title to be a leader. The definition of a leader is one who influences others. It’s difficult to truly influence folks until they know you care about them. A genuine smile can be a great way to start leading people to Jesus so they can experience the peace that has been eluding them all of their lives. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Prov. 17:22).

Even though it wasn’t always easy for Natasha here in Albania, she proved to be resilient, which is an important quality for any missionary. She has been an incredible blessing to our family, and we think of her as family now. When I think of her, part of Nehemiah 8:10 comes to mind. “. . . the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

May the joy of the Lord be your strength as you begin or continue your smile ministry wherever you happen to be. If you are a young person with a burning desire to share your joy with those who have not had the opportunity to know Jesus, consider becoming a student missionary with AFM and let your light shine in the darkness. —

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