
Meet Kadia Koné, A 16-year-old girl who attends our school. She began with us in the 2007-2008 school year. Kadia’s mother died giving birth to her, so her father raised her. His dream is that she will get a better education than he had, and he works hard to make ends meet and pay for her schooling. Since our school is inexpensive yet provides quality education, many parents who cannot afford much bring their children to us.

During her first year in our school, Kadia was a challenging student. She openly told her friends she would not touch the Bible. She said, “I did not come here to study the Bible. I came to get an education and nothing more.” In our school, as in any other Adventist school, Bible is part of the curriculum. In her first school year, Kadia skipped Bible classes. Last year, we made Bible one of the requirements for students to be promoted to a new class, so Kadia began to attend Bible class. Soon she began to enjoy the classes.

A few months ago when we started registration for the new school year, Kadia came to the office with four of her friends’ parents for registration. She proudly said to them, “I hope you do not have anything against the Bible, because we study it here, and it is very educational.”

Please pray for Kadia and the many other Muslim students in our school.

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