Introducing the Mamoulelis Family

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We are the Mamoulelis family. Teddy has a Master’s in public health and works for the California Department of Public Health. I am a cosmetologist currently working as the head swim coach for a local club. We have two daughters who are both on the swim team. Sophia, 12, loves to read and adores cats. Anastasia, now six, is independent, energetic and always has something to say.

I, Nikki, never dreamed of being a missionary overseas. My mission field was always right where I was planted. On the other hand, mission service was always a quiet thought in the back of Teddy’s mind. He had served on short-term mission projects and had grandparents who were missionaries. Teddy mentioned the idea of becoming missionaries a few times throughout our marriage. However, in May 2023, we sensed God calling us to sell everything and become missionaries.

Seven months later, we discovered AFM. After John Baxter visited us for a weekend interview, he gave us a list of places where AFM thought God might be calling us. Teddy and I fasted and prayed over the locations on the list. One place was Croatia (Hrvati in its native language), where the main religion is Catholicism.

At first, Teddy and I felt we could be of better use in a country not already rooted in a belief in Christ. As we discussed this with a friend, the European exchange student we were hosting interrupted us and exclaimed, “NO! As a Catholic, I believe you should go to Croatia!”

“Why do you say that?” we asked.

“You guys are trying to introduce people to a personal relationship with Jesus; we don’t have that!” she replied.

God had placed this young girl in our lives that year for this very reason. She was our training ground for how to be missionaries to the Hrvati people, and we did not even realize it. Now we are excited to work with the Cardona family in the beautiful country of Croatia.

Although we do not know what our exact ministry focus will be, right now, we feel called to spread the health message in some manner. God tells us, “I know the plans I have for you” (Jeremiah 29:11), and I like to think He follows that up with, “I will let you know when you need to know.” Being a swim coach has made me realize the powerful influence a coach has in a person’s life. We hope to work with young people and their parents in sports and a healthy lifestyle, becoming trusted individuals in the community. As we gain that trust and become part of the community, we hope to share Jesus and His love.

Is it possible that people in Croatia today are praying for missionaries and someone to show them God’s love? We know we have been called and are walking in complete faith. If God has placed it on your heart to be a part of our project, please answer His call. Thank you for your support.
We look forward to sharing more about how God has led us in future articles.

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