In His Steps

It all started the first summer we arrived. A young couple with two little children came asking if we had some diapers or anything to feed their little family. We didn’t have diapers. Instead, we gave some rice and beans. They were happy to get that and left. Then, it seems word got out, and others came asking for help. Our local tribe does a good job feeding people, but some folk are somehow out of the loop and go hungry. A few come to us.

A well-meaning friend told us to stop. He even quoted the Bible; “If a man will not work, neither should he eat.” I know we are enabling some; that’s a given. But others . . . I pray we are helping. I told him, “The rain falls on the just and the unjust.” As long as we have food, what else can we do?

Sometime after that, a very large man came to our door demanding food. He wasn’t on his best behavior. Another man came up behind him and told him to be respectful. We gave them food.

The Sunday after that, a member of another church came and told us their church had voted to help us feed the people coming to our door. Praise the Lord! They, too, want to become involved. Maybe Charles Sheldon’s book “In His Steps” can be a reality. Sheldon was arguably the originator of the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) movement. Maybe feeding the hungry is going viral? Imagine that.

Please pray that those around us find the Bread of Life that they may eat and hunger no more.

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