I Surrender All

Walter Wilson, the “beloved physician” of Kansas City, president of two Bible colleges and successful writer, preacher and soul-winner of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, was troubled in his early life as he examined the results of his labor. Though converted and very sincere and earnest in all his efforts for evangelism, his work seemed to be producing little fruit.

One evening after hearing a message on Romans 12:1, Walter’s heart was filled with great emotion as he finally understood the answer to his dilemma. That evening in the privacy of his room, he poured out his heart to God:

“My Lord, I have mistreated You all my Christian life. I have treated You like a servant. When I wanted You, I called for You; when I was about to engage in some work, I beckoned You to come and help me perform my task. I have kept You in the place of a servant. I have sought to use You only as a willing servant to help me in my self-appointed and chosen work. I shall do so no more. Just now, I give You this body of mine; from my head to my feet, I give it to You. My hands, my limbs, my eyes, my brain; all that I am inside and out, I hand over to You. Live in and through me whatever life You please. You may send this body to Africa or lay it on a bed with cancer. You may blind my eyes or send me with Your message to Tibet. You may take this body to the Eskimos or send it to a hospital with pneumonia. This body of mine is Yours alone from this moment on.”

With Walter, let’s surrender our all to Jesus today! Will you join me?

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