Here I Am

During our fundraising journey, we’ve had the opportunity to visit many churches for the first time. In the last year, we have been adopted by church families from the Pacific Northwest all the way to the East coast. Lately, we have had the privilege of spending time with many Spanish churches. Since Derek is originally from Puerto Rico, we are easily able to share our mission call with Spanish-speaking congregations. And oh, what a blessing it has been! We have felt so loved and supported by these mission-minded people. It is so humbling to enter a church full of strangers and be welcomed with love and hugs.

We are anxious to begin work in Cambodia, but we also are savoring this process of building up our support team who will pray, encourage us and provide for our ministry through the years to come.

If you are considering dedicating your time to serving in the mission field but feel that you aren’t prepared or feel uneasy about your skills, experience, personality or current situation, I would like to remind you of the story of Moses. Though Moses was raised in a palace and was not trained in desert living, though he had difficulty speaking and felt utterly incapable of leading thousands of people through the wilderness, and though he was a sinner who made terrible mistakes, God chose him. God may be choosing you, too. We feel like Moses. Utterly unprepared, entirely unworthy. But, by God’s grace, He will equip us for the work ahead as long as we continue to lean on Him. If you feel that God is leading you toward missions, all you need to say is, “Here I am.” God will do the rest.

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