Hearing His Call

Homeschool practicums don’t have a great reputation for being too exciting, but I was ready for a day with a friend, spending time with homeschool moms and taking a break from the responsibilities of children. The topic of the day was being the salt of the earth.

During a break, I met a lady and was amazed that she and her husband both homeschooled their children. I had so many questions for her, yet I don’t remember her answering them. Instead, she offered to pray for me, specifically that God’s will would be fulfilled in our lives. As she prayed, I was overwhelmed with the idea that my husband Teddy would quit his job. The impression made no sense.

This idea or impression is what I call God’s voice. It was the same voice that told me to sell my salon. Two weeks after I did, COVID-19 shut all businesses down. That voice told us to wait to buy a house. When we did, we got an interest rate of 2.35 percent. I was not positive the voice was God this time, so I decided to wait and trust. I told Teddy I felt God was telling me something but that he needed to pray; if it were God’s voice, He would tell Teddy the same thing. I knew there was no way Teddy would quit his job if I told him that God told me he would.

A couple of weeks later, Teddy and I discussed the topic. “What did God say?” I asked, then telling Teddy I believed God told me he would quit his job.
Teddy dropped a bigger bomb on me. “In all the time I prayed, I didn’t hear anything. It was quiet. That is until I was walking one day. I heard: sell everything and become missionaries. I only heard it that one time.”

We both looked at each other, slightly shell-shocked. Were we crazy? We prayed again together. We opened our Bibles randomly and landed on Hebrews 11. “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation” (NLT).

We are excited to see this call coming to fruition. We have since met many people from Croatia and found that most Catholics do not practice their faith. It is a predominately secular country. We ask for your partnership in praying for the people of Croatia and wisdom in how to reach them. We invite you to join our support team through your generous gifts.. Thank you.

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