Growth in Grace

Young parents glow with joy as they discover meaning in the monosyllabic babblings of their baby. As the child grows, each milestone is marked with a mixture of pride and joy—the first steps, the first day of school, baptism, responsible choices. Growth and maturity are causes for rejoicing. This joy is not limited to biological or adoptive parents. The hearts of spiritual parents also swell with pride when someone they have led to Christ, their spiritual offspring, demonstrates a living faith and gives evidence of growth in grace. Thanks to COVID-19 and the now ubiquity of Zoom, this has been my experience.

In January 2007 Duang and I left the AFM Mien Project in northern Thailand for other mission and then family responsibilities. The other day I received a text message asking that I join a daily Zoom worship of Mien church members scatted across various provinces in Thailand. Hearing various Mien Christians lead out and express their faith, my heart was full.

We look forward to Southern Thailand and the joys that will come as we lead people there to Christ and guide their growth in grace. “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?”
(1 Thess. 2:19).

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