God’s Humor in Our Call

Immediately after we accepted our call to the Greenlanders Project, we witnessed God’s love in action and had front-row seats to His amazing sense of humor.

First, food in Greenland comes mainly from hunting and fishing. Although part of the North American continent, Greenland is geopolitically part of Europe. The largest island in the world, Greenland is nearly four times the size of Kenya (582,696 square kilometers/224,961 square miles) or more than three times the size of Texas. God has shown us that as a couple following a plant-based dietary lifestyle, it is He who will provide for our food in an environment where nothing grows from the ground because an uninhabitable permanent ice sheet covers 80 percent of Greenland’s 2,170,000 square kilometers (836,300 square miles). The grace of God will supply and help us distribute the everlasting food—the Bread of Life—to His hungry people.

Second, as a couple who has enjoyed great fellowship in various congregations with many cross-cultural friends, this call is another growth process, bidding us to look through new eyes and esteem God as our best and closest friend. We have a work to do—make new friends for His kingdom. He will work in and through us to establish within this arctic circle His remnant movement, where none currently exists, targeting the total population of 56,000 people, 89.5 percent of whom are indigenous Inuits who believe in Shamanism and animism.

Third, God is teaching us, the global travelers we are, that His ways are not our ways. Travel in Greenland is often difficult due to weather changes. Furthermore, none of the settlements on Greenland are linked to each other by road or railway, so it’s not so easy to get around, except by boats and airplanes to other towns and by car in Nuuk, the capital. What a great way to continue growing, to realize Who is guiding us, and to rest our hope in reaching the final destination, the Promised Land, where all are invited.

Last it is amazing that Danish, a language we have been learning, is spoken in the capital, Nuuk. The excuses we gave for not continuing Danish classes during COVID-19 stand no grounds. Now, we see the learning of the Danish language as God’s providence. Growth spurts!

Does the growth process ever end? God forbid! It is about His kingdom and righteousness. God takes us out of our comfort zones and invites us to His conflict zones. Why? He fights for us! He is calling us not only to be still but also to chill in His presence. He gives the warmth of His love. May we spread this love around so that others may be filled. May our hearts be charged with surrender so that His plan of salvation may be revealed. We hope to share more articles from the coolest place on earth. Will you join us in praying, giving and going?

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