God Needs Older People

I’ve always been intrigued by older people. Their faces, hands, even their postures tell volumes. I like to watch them, spend time with them and listen. Here, just as in the West, most older people are at a loss to understand the youth and the way the world is developing. Things are not as they used to be, and the societal role of the elders as the respected guardians of tradition and values is shrinking fast. They have to realize that the old system is not working anymore, and to some extent even the fetishes seem to be losing their influence and threatening power.

Over and over again we have seen older people refuse to participate in any Christian meetings or conversations. They say they are too deeply rooted in fetishism and they can’t change. They also believe that God doesn’t need older people. But many encourage us to reach out to their children and grandchildren, hoping that somehow our “system” will work better and help the coming generation to have more solid values and guidelines for life. However, as soon as these young people reach the age of ceremonial initiation, the same older people who encouraged them to become Christians force them to participate in the traditional rituals. We need to get the older people on board or we will keep running into resistance. Will you please pray that we will find a way to touch Grandpa’s and Grandma’s hearts? Besides, God really needs older people!

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