Giving Joy

Our Albanian church members may be a little addicted to a special kind of joy. This delightful pleasure comes from bringing happiness to others, especially those who aren’t able to do anything for them in return. Our members have found that the smiles of those they help are more than rewarding enough to keep them hooked on giving their time and energy to relieving people’s burdens.

Our group recently delivered bags of groceries to needy people in their neighborhoods so they could enjoy a holiday meal with their families.

Many in our group have taken a special interest in helping the mentally handicapped population of our town. Sadly, the government-run institutions lack funds to provide even basic necessities to these individuals. The seldom-heated cement buildings where they live are dreadfully cold and damp in the winter, and they are often short of food and blankets.

Recently, our members distributed warm winter boots to every resident in both institutions in our city. The staff reported that some people now even wear them to bed. Another day, our group distributed ADRA gift boxes, which brought bright smiles to the faces of these often forgotten people. They enjoyed celebrating the biggest holiday in Albania by providing one center with a New Year party, complete with food and gifts.

The members have asked me to thank those who have given so that they could know Jesus. They, too, can experience the joy of giving in His name!

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