
Time. We all have the same number of hours in a day, days in a month and months in a year. But how are we investing that time? The Bible tells us there is a season for everything. For us, this is a season for furlough!

What is a furlough? The dictionary defines furlough as “a leave of absence or vacation or temporary layoff from work.” But most missionaries will tell you that isn’t what furlough is to them. Furlough usually means doing a different kind of work, not stopping work. Furlough can be tiring as we travel from place to place raising support for our project. Often, it feels like we need a vacation afterward to recover from furlough!

But furlough has many positive aspects, too. It is a time to shift gears. A time to be revived so we can return to the mission field with renewed energies. Time for travel. Time for new experiences. Time to spend with our extended families, our children and grandchildren. Time for friends old and new. Time to share what God is doing in our lives and in our mission. Time to be ministered to. Time to be rejuvenated. Time to refocus.

I think the dictionary definition of furlough will only be realized when we get to heaven and hear Christ’s words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” What a furlough that will be! —Leonda George

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