Evangelism in Krabi

We rambled down the road for 2.5 hours toward our Sabbath destination. Three new challenges faced us: two backslidden families harboring more spiritual issues than we realized, one newly baptized struggling member, and a large shrine newly erected in front of the house of another family who once indicated an interest in studying about God. Prayers are requested!

Weeks before, as I worked alongside Southern Zone pastors and lay workers, I was appointed the prayer coordinator, primarily responsible for holding the evangelistic series up in prayer. Every day after morning worship, I took a theology student aside, and we prayed for 30 minutes. After he left, I earnestly prayed for the next two hours. My biggest revelation during the week was, “God is worth getting to know.”

Our prayers resulted in several breakthroughs during the evangelistic series, including the team’s unity, three baptisms by week’s end, and the two backslidden families who expressed a desire to return to God.

During the week long series in Tiger Cave village, the Southern Zone team voted that Phuket church, Ban Khien church near Phuket, and our group will take turns visiting Tiger Cave village each Sabbath to lead the believers in worship. We are the closest of the three, at only 99 km (61.5 miles) away. We also discussed holding evangelistic meetings in Trang province. This would stretch the personnel even more than they already are. The need for more workers is pressing — another call to prayer!

The week I served as prayer coordinator for the evangelistic series reminded me of Sister White’s quote in My Life Today: “If you will find voice and time to pray, God will find time and voice to answer.” We have been experiencing the truth of this quote and invite you to take more time to pray. God is worth getting to know.

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