Editorial: Children’s Edition 2024

What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor, a nurse, a space engineer? Have you ever been asked that question? Maybe you have spent time thinking or dreaming about what you want to be. Most kids do. God has a special plan for each child’s life, and He wants you to dream big!

So why not dream of being a missionary? Missionaries typically go places where there are few or no Christians. They serve in countries that are often poor and that suffer from the effects of war and other devastating events. When missionaries share about Jesus with those who don’t know Him, they talk about His incredible love and His plan of salvation.

Missionaries often must learn another language. Have you ever tried to learn another language or been to a place where you could not use your own language? This is what missionaries do for the sake of the gospel.

The life of a missionary is often full of adventure. Sometimes they face dangerous situations or meet people being attacked by Satan. Missionaries pray and claim God’s promises for protection. They need to trust Jesus and believe He is with them and will help them. Sometimes, missionaries see miracles take place. Some have even seen the dead raised back to life! No, the life of a missionary is certainly not boring!

Missionaries love people. Missionaries serve people. Sometimes, they work in hospitals with the sick. Sometimes, they teach in schools and help uneducated children learn to read and write. Some missionaries preach to large groups of people, while others go from house to house teaching the Bible. Missionaries do many things, but the most important thing is showing the love of Jesus to those who don’t know it.

Did you know that the best thing about being a missionary is that you don’t have to wait until you are grown up to be one? You can be one now! In fact, every follower of Christ should be a missionary. Right now, you can give your heart to Jesus. Right now, you can look for ways to help the people around you. Right now, you can even see miracles in your life.

You may not be able to leave your home and go to some faraway land today, but you can begin by being a missionary for Jesus right where you are. As you learn to be a missionary when you are young, you will be prepared to be a missionary when you grow up. Who knows where God may take you someday! Maybe Jesus will send you to the frontiers of mission service!

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