Drawn to the Comforter

It broke my heart to look into Azim’s pain-filled eyes last year after his wife committed suicide. He and his 12-year-old son Albi were alone, and they didn’t know where to turn for comfort. His relatives mourned with him, as did I, but when the 40 days of mourning had passed, Azim didn’t know how to go on without his beloved wife. How would he raise his motherless son?

Albi seemed so lost, often staying very close to his dad and to me, holding onto our sleeves as though he was afraid of losing anyone else. The three of us became very close through this time of grief. Azim began introducing me to other people as his brother. We prayed together, we ate together, and we had many cups of herbal tea together. Through it all, my goal was to connect Azim and Albi to the Comforter, the only One who could bring true healing to their hearts. I felt helpless to ease their pain or give them satisfying answers about why this had happened, but I knew that the Word of God brings healing and wisdom, so I led them there and gave them a Bible of their own.

About four months ago, Azim and Albi joined our Sabbath worship service, and our little church family welcomed them with open arms. Since then, Azim and Albi have been the first ones to arrive each Sabbath, even though their walk to the church often takes them through mud and bad weather.

Last Sabbath, I made an appeal for anyone who wished to be baptized. Praise God, four people stood, and Azim and Albi were among them! Please pray that all four will be faithful to the end.

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