As you approach the wholesale club exit, people greet you and ask if you need solar systems, heating and air-conditioning, and remodeling of anything from closets to bathrooms and kitchens. I try to always smile and be friendly as I keep moving toward the exit.
The bathroom remodel booth caught my eye today. A young Hispanic man stopped me with his question.
“Are you wanting to remodel your bathroom in the next 12 months?”
“Yes,” I responded, then asked a few questions of my own.
“Will you be doing the remodel within the next 12 months?”
“Yes, we are leaving the country and need to have it done before we leave.”
“Really? Where are you going?”
“Oh, why are you going there?”
At this point, I had a choice. Would I say for work or to be missionaries? Saying we are going to be missionaries can go two ways, sometimes opening a can of worms. Each time someone asks, I pray for the strength to face a potential trial.
“We are going for work . . . as missionaries.”
“What does that mean?” he asked.
I paused for what felt like a long time, praying for the right words to say as he typed my information into his system so we could get a free quote on our bathroom remodel. Finally, I said, “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to find the right words for you. . . Being a missionary is about sharing God’s love with others. It’s not about changing people’s religion, judging and condemning them. It’s about being Christ-like to the world and showing them His love.”
I went on to explain how just being friends with people can open the door for prayer, and when you pray, it opens the door for God to work in their lives and for a relationship to form.
As he listened to me with sincere interest, he said, “Well, I’m sorry to tell you our remodel service doesn’t cover the area you live in.”
“No problem,” I said as I realized this divine appointment was never about a bathroom remodel. “Is there anything I can pray about for you? I don’t want to embarrass you by praying here in front of all these people, but I will be praying for you.”
“No, it’s not embarrassing at all,” he replied. So right there in front of all the customers, I prayed for him, that the Holy Spirit would enter and direct his life.
The Lord blessed me with the opportunity to plant a seed in Miguel—to be a missionary to him. Being used by God is awesome! Please pray that the Lord would lift Miguel’s spirits and that he would find a deeper meaning in life through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Please also prayerfully consider giving to our project so we can plant more seeds in Croatia. Thank you. My prayer is that God uses you, too, to plant His seeds.
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