Deliver Us From Evil

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Shaped by the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment, the Western world has adopted a rationalistic, scientific worldview that assumes there is no reality beyond the natural, material universe. This has directly impacted modern Western Christianity. For many mainstream evangelical theologians today, demonic harassment and possession are relics of a primitive, superstitious worldview from a bygone era. Despite Western Christian skepticism, secular people are fascinated with spiritualism, the occult and Satanism—themes that saturate our popular culture and media.

Yet, from a biblical perspective, it is a fatal misconception to think that God’s people are not the object of Satan’s attacks. God permitted Satan to attack Job’s business, home, family and body. Paul experienced a “messenger of Satan” throughout his apostolic ministry (2 Cor. 12:7), permitted by God to ensure Paul would not be tempted to try to minister in his own strength. Peter spoke unwittingly for Satan (Matt. 16:23), and Judas was possessed first by a devil (“diabolos,” John 6:70) and then by Satan himself (John 13:27). Satan makes intentional war on God’s saints until the Second Coming (Rev. 12:17), seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). In response, Jesus commanded the Twelve and the Seventy to engage in three Kingdom activities: proclaim the Good News, heal the sick, and cast out demons.

In the Spirit of Prophecy, we read, “Could our eyes be opened, and could each see the conflict of angelic agencies with the Satanic confederacy, who are combined with evil human agencies, what astonishment would come upon the soul. The holy angels are working with terrible intensity for the salvation of men, because the destroyer of souls is seeking to make of no effect the salvation which has been purchased at infinite cost. . . We should see angels flying swiftly to aid the tempted ones who stand as on the brink of a precipice. These tempted souls are unable to help themselves, and avoid the ruin which threatens them; but the angels of God are forcing back the evil angels, and guiding the souls away from the dangerous places, to plant their feet on a sure foundation. We should see battles going on between the two armies, as real as those fought by opposing forces on earth” (Signs of the Times, Oct. 29, 1894 par. 6). Even in her own life, Ellen White recorded instances of personal demonic harassment.

AFM missionaries minister in Muslim, Buddhist, Animist, Hindu and post-modern secular communities worldwide. But despite the seeming diversity of these religious cultures, in reality a veil of demonic deception shrouds hearts and minds in all these faith communities. False deities may differ in name, the idols may look different and the rituals may change, but the one constant our missionaries face is direct demonic resistance. Dialogue with AFM donors and friends reveals the same pattern—homes and hearts are under satanic attack like never before. As revealed in Rev. 16:13, Satan’s end-time strategy to gather the nations of the earth to do battle against God will come through demonic means—the occult, spiritualism and outright Satanism.
How do we respond? First, Jesus commanded us to ask God literally to, “Deliver us from the evil one” (Matt. 6:13). We are not commanded to seek deliverance from evil in the abstract, but from a personal, malevolent spirit named Satan and his fallen angels (demons). In response, we ask not only for daily bread but also for daily deliverance through a personal, holy and loving Savior, Jesus Christ, who has never lost a battle with Satan. Second, we are not to go on the offensive, seeking demons under every rock and entering into dialogue with them. Rather, we are to take a defensive posture, standing firm in the armor of God. Repeatedly we are counseled to “stand” in the armor of God in this spiritual conflict (Eph. 6:11-17). Here we partner with God by closing off avenues for Satan to enter our homes and hearts. Whatever in our life cannot be offered as a living sacrifice of praise to a Holy God must be put aside. Third, we are to turn to God for deliverance, petitioning Him with prayer and fasting that His perfect will be accomplished (Matt. 17:14-21). We place the battle in His hands, avoid the vanity of futile human intervention, and allow God to glorify Himself in the life of Satan’s prey (Isa. 49:25).

The Spirit of Prophecy counsels thus: “They [victims of demonic possession or attack] should entreat those who have had a religious experience, and who have faith in the promises of God, to plead with the mighty Deliverer on their behalf. It will be a close conflict. Satan will reinforce his evil angels who have controlled these persons; but if the saints of God with deep humility fast and pray, their prayers will prevail. Jesus will commission holy angels to resist Satan, and he will be driven back and his power broken from off the afflicted ones” (1T 344.1).

It is precisely because the evil we experience today has a satanic origin that we simply cannot overcome it by better Christian education, improved parenting skills, carefully nuanced administrative resolutions or efficient local church programs. Our greatest enemy is not ignorance, and our greatest need is not education. Our greatest enemy is personal evil, and our greatest need is a personal Savior. Without a Savior, we are all irretrievably lost. That Savior is Jesus Christ. Good News indeed! And this Good News must be proclaimed to Satan’s captives in every nation, tribe, language and people, and then the end will come. Hallelujah!

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